Dave Matthews Band Concert, T Mobile Bike Race - San Francisco (9/04)

I took a little weekend trip to catch two big events in San Francisco with my pal Matt.

Couple of shots from my parent's vinyard

All I had to capture the bike race was a cheap digital camera.  With the low, foggy light of the city in the morning, I really only had two options: keep the background still or pan with the racers.  Here, you get a crappy combination of both.  What I thought was going to be a cool low angle shot turned out to be a blurred half-biker.  However, squatting on that street corner with pedals going by my head was pretty cool.  

Here's a shot Matt took of the fans streaming into the Dave Matthews Band concert at the Polo Fields.  The crowd was the largest gathering of people I've ever seen assembled with ~60k in the field and on the bleachers.  

Here's the stage and about 1/4 of the audience.  The scene was pretty cool.  I have a great quicktime video of two people dancing their hearts out on a folding table!